What is Cupping Therapy?
Cupping is an ancient Chinese therapy in which a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure in the cup is reduced (either by heat or suction) in order to draw and hold skin and superficial muscles inside the cup. Cupping is based on the meridian theory of the body. They remove stagnation in the body and opens the meridians, so that qi can flow freely. They also help rejuvenate certain meridians and organs that are not functioning at their best. From a scientific standpoint, cupping is known to help activate the lymphatic system, promote blood circulation, and is good for deep tissue repair.

How Does it Work?
Glass cups are fitted with a valve that attach to a small hand-operated pump, allowing the practitioner to suck out air without having to rely on fire to depressurize the cup first. The modern name for cupping is baguanfa or suction cup therapy. In order to allow the cups to move over the skin easily, herbal oil is used. Cups are generally left in place for ten minutes although the time can range from five to fifteen minutes. The skin will redden due to the congestion of blood flow. Some bruising on the skin where the rim of the cup is to be expected.

What is the Benefit?
Cupping is generally recommended for the treatment of pain, gastrointestinal disorders, lung diseases (especially chronic cough and asthma), and paralysis, although it does have application for other problems. Cupping should be done on fleshy areas of the body and should not be used on inflamed skin, where there is a high fever, convulsions or an increased tendency to bruise, or on the abdominal or lower back area during pregnancy. Cupping can affect the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing the tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear colon blockages, activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, activate the skin, clear stretch marks, and improve the appearance of varicose veins.